The following club publications have been developed to provide members information on club plans, activities, duties and guidelines.
A community information pamphlet introducing Rotary and our club to the community.
Club Action Plans - Updated for 2012-2013
A Club information booklet detailing the aims and objectives of our club for the Rotary year.
Family of Rotary Guidelines
What is the family of Rotary? Details the Terms of Reference for the club's Family of Rotary Committee and provides some suggested activities.
New and Prospective Members Manual
An introduction to 'What Rotary is'. Its history, its ideals and Rotary International. Provides details about our District 9550 and more specific and detailed information about our club and what it means to be a Rotarian.
Why Join Rotary
A community information document detailing 20 very good reasons why you should be a Rotarian.
Orientation Handbook
A handbook specifically formulated for the orientation of a new member. Details guidelines for both the Mentor and Inductee to follow and check when completed.
Guidelines for a job / "Me" Talk
The 'Do's and Dont's' of public speaking for the inexperienced or a refresher for the expert.
Duty Roster -Role Descriptions
Details what is expected of members as they carry out duties as the 'Meet & Greet', 'Chairperson', 'Sergeant', and proposing the International toast.
Creative Rotarians 2005
A collection of poems, verses, rhymes, jingles, doggerel or prose arising from snatches of brilliance and the creative intelligence of some courageous members from members of the Rotary Club of Darwin Sunrise.
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