"Our Club meets at the Oaks Elan Hotel, 31 Woods St Darwin NT, We meet each Friday morning for a breakfast meeting commencing at 6.45 for 7.00 am and concluding at 8.00 am. If there are any changes to our meeting times and locations, it will be listed on our facebook site ."
Mon (1st and 3rd ) |
Darwin North | Trailer Boat Club | 6 / 7.00pm |
Tue | Darwin South | Tracey Village Social Club | 6 / 6.30 pm |
Wed | Litchfield Palmerston | Good Sheperd College | 6.30 / 7.00pm |
Thurs | Darwin | Double Tree by Hilton Atrium Room | 6 / 6.30pm |
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Darwin Sunrise Webpage and my 2018 / 2019 Rotary Year.
I continue to be inspired by our collective desire to make a difference in the world and to make it a better place for us all.Throughout the year the focus of our club's business and fellowship will be to explore vast and boundless seas of opportunities to ex-pand our membership, to promote our club, and to continue to service our communities and the world.
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Darwin Sunrise Webpage and my 2018 / 2019 Rotary Year.
I continue to be inspired by our collective desire to make a difference in the world and to make it a better place for us all.Throughout the year the focus of our club's business and fellowship will be to explore vast and boundless seas of opportunities to ex-pand our membership, to promote our club, and to continue to service our communities and the world.
The Club supported 4 students to attend last years event
The Rotary Club of Darwin Sunrise board for the 2018 / 2019 Rotary Year.
President: Rebecca Miniken
Vice President /President Elect: Allison Hooper
Immediate Past President: Marguerite Bowen
Director Service Projects: Jeff Borella
Director Foundation: Catherine Weber
Director Membership: Di Borella
Secretary: James Smith (Acting)
Treasurer: Sandy Oldroyd
Club Protection: Lloyd Blinco